Monday, October 14, 2013

Getting the Hang of Things...

My least favorite part about starting a new semester is how costly college can be. Parking passes, school supplies, you name it, it all adds up. The biggest difference at Carlow College is what I paid for my textbooks. Every book that the professor tells you to read for the course is in the library. Amazing right?! There is literally no need to buy textbooks when you’re studying abroad.

Although this is true for the most part, my professor for Abnormal Psychology encouraged us to buy our textbook because there are so many social care (psychology/social work) students that is tough to get your hands on that particular textbook all of the time. Of course I purchased it because I’m a psychology major and I find Abnormal Psychology extremely fascinating. However, if you do not want to spend the money I did (about $50) then I encourage you to look for the textbook online or possibly buy an earlier edition.

When they tell you that most of your learning is going to be self taught, they aren’t kidding! I meet with each of my classes one time a week for two hours only. Within those two hours the professor goes over the materials that they promised to go over in the syllabus and that's it. Some courses are more discussion based, others the professor just stands in front of the class and lectures. Oh and did I mention that they’re not called professors here? Unless they have a doctorate, all professors go by their first names. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? It just takes some getting used to.

Coming from Carlow University, where we pride ourselves for how small our classes are, the class size was a total shock to me. I am used to courses where 20 students is a huge class size, now I’m in courses where 40 students is average. Regardless of class size, all of my professors are extremely nice and encourage us to ask questions, which I love.

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